Hmmm. So this post is not basically coz i really wanted to say something, it's because i haven't said anything for a long while. Time to get my thoughts flowing. So yeah.
What's it about life that gives you something to rejoice as soon as you feel like your world has ended? Why is it that even if you think of nine-hundred and ninety-nine possible outcomes of a certain event, life always presents the thousandth one? What's the invisible force that drives the entire world, and makes sure each one gets only what was meant for him/her? What's it that no matter what happens in the end, the quote "Whatever happens, happens for the best" turns out to be true, always - even though thinking of it as "happening for the best" would have seemed crazy at that point in time? What's it that makes perfection look so impossible to achieve, yet when you look back much later, you feel that it was the best thing that could've ever happened? Is God really THAT awesome?
Why is the world so uncertain? Why is it that one who dreams today of being a rock star or a sportsperson or a doctor, could just as easily be diagnosed with cancer tomorrow and die in a few months? Why is it that some people are born rich and can get whatever they want, and others relatively poor and have to look at the price-tag before everything they buy? Why is life so harsh and unforgiving to some people, and so blissfully pleasant to others?
Why are some people so averse to reconciliation, and like to keep a grudge every time? Why are some people who were years earlier your closest friends, don't even care to talk to you now? (and strangely, you don't feel like talking to them either)
And there's one more thing... which I was thinking about this morning. Is happiness the same as satisfaction, or to put it in another way, contentment? When do we feel happy? When we get what we want. When our desires are fulfilled. When we are satisfied. But there are also people (read saints) who have absolutely no desires and are still happy. So basically, even they are satisfied with their lives, and that's why they are happy. So, doesn't that make happiness and satisfaction synonyms? What do you think?